Friday, June 20, 2008

How did I get here?

I was raised in a church that was fairly repressive. Dissagreements were strongly discouraged. Questions were frowned upon, ask too many, and you were invited to leave. By the time I reached adulthood, I wanted out. I didn't want anything to do with organized religion or God.

As soon as I was old enough, I joined the military. There were some feelings of patriotism, but a lot was determination to "just do things my way." I wanted to get out on my own, and have fun.

A good friend set for himself the task of getting me back into God's grace. Brother, did I ever resist! Everything I'd ever experienced led me to believe that religion was phony, as were its practitioners. After more than a year of my buddy's attention, going with me everywhere I went, "arranging" for our travel past Christian servicemen's centers, "accidentally" running into powerful Christian speakers, and pointing out God's handiwork at every opportunity, I decided I'd had enough. I was going to end all this nonsense by faking my salvation! What an idea! He'd go bother someone else about this, and I'd be out having fun again.

Somehow, he saw through me. It really had me puzzled. The only good thing I did at that time, though, was to pray the first honest prayer of my life. I said, "God, I don't know how to believe in You. If You're really there, please help me to believe."

I don't think I actually expected results, yet belief did seem to start seeping in. About a month later, I asked God to forgive me for everything I'd done wrong, thanked Him for the sacrifice of His Son, and (to my surprise) felt compelled to tell others.

Have I ever failed since then? Yes, I'm a long way from perfect. I just get back up, apologize to God for my failings, and keep trying.

God forgives those of us who have sinned. He requires that we acknowledge our sins, believe that Jesus' death paid the price for our salvation, and spread the Word!

That's it! It is hard to admit that we sin, but once we are over that hurdle, the rest is easy!

Think about it. Pray about it. Act on it.

If God can save me, He can save anybody!

Hope to see you in Paradise!

Mr Mike

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

What an awesome testimony. We're so blessed that God sent you our way! =0)

I look forward to checking out your blog. Be warned - its addicting!

♥ E