Thursday, November 26, 2009

Witnessing in real life

A few months back, my much loved granddaughter wrote a letter to the president. In it she expressed her views on the environment and ecology, after which she wrote (exactly as shown here),
"I am a Christian. I love God. Did you know God sent His Son to die on a cross for our sins so we can be forgiven."


Absolutely amazing!

The vast majority of Christians NEVER get around to witnessing to anyone, and here is a 3rd grader witnessing to the president of the United States! Set aside your political feelings (whatever they are) and, just for a moment, consider the awesome possibilities here...

Remember, Paul was turned from persecuting, torturing and murdering early Christians into the greatest witness for Christ EVER! What could God work in our world with a man who became a true Christian while holding the highest office of the most powerful nation in the world?
It is totally humbling...

We've all heard the expression "out of the mouths of babes," here we see the true meaning of that phrase.

I am not one who believes in exposing children to even the slightest chance of personal harm, so allow me to address her in this manner;
"My Princess, I am so proud of you! I love you very much! You are the heroine I will always think of when I am faced with difficult tasks. I pray as constantly as I can that God uses your beautiful testimony to effect a change for the better in this man, and through him, our world."
I ask all who read this to join me in prayer that this happens.

"Father, thank You for the opportunity to see such sincere, simple faith in action. I feel overcome that You have allowed me to be even a small part of Your plan. Please keep Your hand of protection over this child, and all children. Please help me to love, trust, and follow You with a heart like that of this child. Amen."

Mr Mike

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Witnessing 101

What is the most "emotionally difficult" thing you've ever done?

For most Christians it is achieving salvation, then we feel the rest is easy. Now we can kick back, relax, do a little church... our part is done! The problem is that Jesus expects us to be good stewards. He wants us to invest our "talent" on His behalf! Nearly everybody gets real nervous at the idea!

Does God really want me to talk to strangers? What if they laugh at me? What if they think I'm a nerd, or just stupid? I wouldn't know what to say! Hey! They've probably heard it all before, maybe they already know more than me!

What if the other person tries to convince me that I'm wrong? What a scary thought! Everybody makes fun of you if you're wrong! I hate to be wrong!

As many of you already know. I am rather multi-cultural. My ancestors are mostly Irish and American-Indian. I grew up in a town that was almost 3/4 Mexican-American. My best friend, of about 40 years, is African-American, and his wife (when I first met him) was Caribbean. I spent most of my service years in the Orient, Southeast-Asia, and Polynesia. I am pretty good at absorbing local flavoring everywhere I go, so I am something of a smorgasbord, maybe you'd call me culturally eclectic.

One thing that has always surprised me, is how similar the legends are in many cultures. Let me share a couple of examples with you from the Cherokee...

"The Legend of the First Woman"

For a time the man was very happy on earth. He roamed around and ate the fruits and berries and he visited the animals and he saw all his homeland. There was much to learn and the earth was beautiful. But before long the man grew discontented and he became very unhappy. He didn't know what his disease was, bit it was a disease that we still have. He was bored.

When he got bored, he used his mind and his strength differently. he shot arrows at the deer without really needing to. He picked the plants and didn't use them. He tore up the animals' dens just to see if he could do it. And soon the animals became concerned about the new creature.

The animals called a council meeting to try to determine what to do. They said they thought this creature was supposed to have respect for other creatures, that he was given a mind. A little insect said, "Wait, you haven't thought this out. The Great One made him; let's ask him what to do." This seemed to be a good idea. They called to the Great One to help them with the new "superior" creature.

The owl said, "You told us the man has a mind and he is to respect us."

The deer said, "I don't want to be disrespectful, but you told us the man would need more of us deer than any other animal. If he keeps killing us like he is now, very soon he won't have any deer left."

"Oh," said the Great One, "thank you, thank you. I had not thought about something I left out in this man."

The bear said, "Look at him right now. He's lying out in the sun with his face up. No animal will sleep right out in the open. We all know to go into a private, guarded place to rest."

The Great One said, "Yes, there is something missing because I was in such a hurry to make him. But I know what is missing."

"Stand back," he said. He made a green plant to grow up tall. The plant grew up right over the man's heart, up toward the Heavens. It was a plant with long, graceful leaves and then an ear and a golden tassel. Above the tall plant was a woman, a beautiful, tall, brown woman growing from the stalk of strong corn.

The man woke up and thought he was dreaming. He rubbed his eyes and said, "This is not true. In a minute I'll wake up and be just as bored as I was before. Oh, I am so lonely."

The Great One sort of kicked him in the behind. "Get up you lazy thing," the Great One said. "Be a man for your lady" Now no one had any reason to think this man was a mannerly individual. Recently he had certainly not been acting like a real gentleman. But we don't have to be taught manners: We need someone to expect the best from us and we use the manners the Great One has already given us. So the man got up, brushed himself off, and gallantly offered his hand to the woman who came down from the stalk of corn.

The Great One remembered that although each man will sometimes need to be alone, each man will also need companionship to be his best.

Perhaps, it will be just a bit more familiar, when told this way...

"Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, to the east, and placed in the garden the man He had formed. The Lord God planted all sorts of beautiful trees there in the garden, trees producing the choicest of fruit. At the center of the garden He placed the Tree of Life, and also the Tree of Conscience, giving knowledge of Good and Bad. A river from the land of Eden flowed through the garden to water it..."
(GEN 2:8-10) tlb

"And the Lord God said, 'It isn't good for man to be alone; I will make a companion for him, a helper suited to his needs. So the Lord God formed from the soil every kind of animal and bird, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever he called them, that was their name. But still there was no proper helper for the man. Then the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, and took one of his ribs and closed up the place from which He had removed it, and made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man. 'This is it!' Adam exclaimed. 'She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is "woman" because she was taken out of a man.' This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife in such a way that the two become one person."
(GEN 2:18-24) tlb

...and then we have...

"The Legend of the Deluge"

A long time ago a man had a dog, which began to go down to the river every day and look at the water and howl. At last the man was angry and scolded me dog, which then spoke to him and then said: "Very soon there is going to be a great downfall and the water will come so high that everybody will be drowned; but if you will make a raft to get upon when the rain comes you can be saved, but you must first throw me into the water." The man did not believe it, and the dog said, " If you want a sign that I speak the truth, look at the back of my neck." He looked and saw that the dog's neck had the skin worn off so that the bones stuck out.

Then he believed the dog, and began to build a raft.

Soon the rain came and he took his family, with plenty of provisions, and they all got upon it. It rained for a long time, and the water rose until the mountain were covered and all the people in the world were drowned. Then the rain stopped and the waters with down again, until at last it was safe to come off the raft. Now there was no one alive but the man and his family, but one day they heard a sound of dancing and shouting on the other side of the ridge. The man climbed to the top and looked over; everything was still, but all along the valley he saw great piles of bones of the people who had been drowned, and then he knew that the ghosts had been dancing.

Once again, there is a somewhat more familiar version...

"And God said to Noah, "I have determined to make an end of all flesh; for the earth is filled with violence through them; behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch."
(GEN 6:13-14)rsv

"For behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall die." (GEN 6:17)rsv

"And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female."
(GEN 6:19)rsv

"And rain fell upon the earth forty days and forty nights."
(GEN 7:12)rsv

"And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, birds, cattle, beasts, all swarming creatures that swarm upon the earth, and every man; everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died."
(GEN 7:21-22)rsv

"In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry."
(GEN 8:14)rsv

"So Noah went forth, and his sons and his wife and his sons wives went with him."
(GEN 8:18)rsv

You know these stories, and you know there is a lot more to them than any legend could contain. It is relatively easy to see why there are differences. Our Bibles' Old Testaments were originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic, whose written languages have existed for many thousands of years. Cherokee legends, on the other hand, were passed down from Story Woman to Story Woman for many thousands of years, and only became written down a few hundred years ago when their syllabic alphabet was invented. This made them much more prone to error. It is interesting to note that, even so, there is much similarity in the Indian legends, despite the separation of nearly half the earth, and countless generations.

But, what does this have to do with us?

If you were to go to the other side of the planet, five thousand years from now, and find that those people have a distorted view of what your country, and what your life were really like, wouldn't you feel the need to correct their misconceptions? To set your country's history straight? You bet you would!

And that is what God asks us to do; to set His record straight with people, and make sure they know the way to heaven, just as we do. He is counting on all of us. Make Him proud.

Friday, July 17, 2009

"And He was withdrawn from them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed. Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground." LUKE 22:41-44 kjv

I have been "adopted" by several children. In each case, the kid said something like, "I wish you’d been MY grandpa. Could you, would you, be my grandpa?"

The emotional overload is incredible! My eyes watered up. My heart pounded! A wave of nearly indescribable feeling washed over me! I could not have said "no" to any of them any more than I could have flapped my arms and flown to the moon!

(A by-product of this is that I now understand how important it is to a woman to have someone ask for her hand, in marriage.)

Each of these children occupies a permanent, special place in my heart. Each is the subject of a great deal of prayer-time. I love them all just as if they had actually been my kids or grandkids. In some ways, perhaps a bit more, just because they asked. Because they are neither relatives, nor dependants, I can do nothing for them from a legal standpoint, so I worry about them even more.

When problems arise in their lives, especially because there is absolutely nothing I can do about those problems, it feels as though a tremendous weight has been dropped heavily onto my neck and shoulders. I wish I could take on their burdens. I wish there were some magic button I could push to fix everything instantly, but, of course, there is not. (A good friend once told me that I have the worst case of "White Knight Syndrome" he’s ever seen.)

When all you can do in this world is to hurt for someone you care deeply about, prayer is the first and only answer. Most guys aren’t made this way. We want to grab the problem by the horns, do battle, and emerge victorious!

All of us who are Christians are "adoptees" of Christ. By virtue of our asking Him to be our Saviour, and accepting His sacrifice, we have become His. He loves each and every one of us far more than I ever could any of the children who’ve "adopted" me. I know of no limit as to what I would do to protect any of "my kids," but Jesus did so much more!

What a matchless example of love our God is! Kneeling, praying in the garden, Jesus knew the trouble we would get into. He knew that many would fail and never make it to heaven. He knew the endless pitfalls that Satan has laid out for us, and He knew we would fail Him repeatedly. He still paid the price.

Are we worth it? Any honest person would have to say that not one of us is. Yet, He still paid the price! He carried our load of guilt, took the blame for us, and died in our place!

All you have to do is accept this incredible sacrifice, knowing that sin has made each of us unworthy, but He did it anyway! Then, get out and tell everyone else. God wants us all to be "adopted."

See you soon, in Paradise!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Keep OFF the Beaten Path!

Time to go to work… hop into the car and go! Shopping with the kids… into the SUV and away we go! Planning a visit with the in-laws in the next town is no problem, thirty-five miles is an easy drive, right? Some new pants and a blouse or two is just a quick hop over to Stuff-Mart. Life goes on, same as always.

All our day-to-day traveling needs, regardless of destination, involve transit upon streets and highways. We are very comfortable with this arrangement, so comfortable, in fact, that we often feel we could travel these roadways blindfolded.

If it were not for these wonderful streets and freeways, we would have to blaze new paths every time we needed to go somewhere. It is much easier to follow the existing pathways, isn’t it?

Our spiritual lives are very much the same. Doing what God wants us to do, that which we know to be the right thing, involves our blazing new pathways. We have to ignore the smooth, easy, wide thoroughfare that already exists. Many times this easy roadway, the path of sin, is the one we have followed throughout our entire lives. Great or small, we have all sinned, further "improving" the way "that leads to destruction."

What does the Word have to say about this?
MATT 7:13-14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few." rsv

It is too easy to follow sin’s existing path. It is very hard to leave the trail behind and forge a new one where we’ve never gone before. In times of stress it is much easier to follow the familiar roadways.

So… where are we all going? And what are we doing in this hand basket?

I am as guilty as everyone else. Let your guard down just a bit, hard times, poor health, physical or mental pain, and guess what? Back to the old, familiar ways…

Fight the temptation to go the easy way! Get off the road! Search for the narrow path, the one that is difficult to travel. The reward is beyond measure!

See you soon, in Paradise!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Tower of Babel, Today

It has been an intense several months. I had another heart attack (mild, thanks be to God!), while still enjoying several blood and breathing disorders, as well as bone-spurs growing in various places (ouch!).

Being forced to kick activity down for a while, I decided to read a book entitled, "Babylon is Everywhere" by Wolf Schneider, subtitled "The City as Man’s Fate." Very dry reading, to say the least.

This book is NOT Bible-based. It uses the Bible in much the same way as a book about the old west might use the legend of the gunfight at the OK Corral. Just the same, it gives one a greater understanding as to what God’s point-of-view may be about cities in general, and why He destroyed the Tower of Babel.

Consider this; God made man (male and female) to be His companion(s). He placed us in the Garden so that our needs were met. The situation was not unlike having a canary in your house. You provide it with a cage, food and water. You enjoy its company, listen to it sing, care for it, and feel some affection for it. Your home feels more cheerful, right?

Suppose it began finding a way out of its cage, flew around your home, leaving "presents" in inappropriate places, tore open your loaves of bread and began acting aggressively toward your children. How long before you "invited" the bird to leave? You might just toss cage and all out the back door.

Now suppose that bird brought thousands of other birds to your front yard and began erecting a 400 foot tall bird house that blocked your view of the neighborhood. They leave hundreds of pounds of their "presents" all over your yard, home and car, AND start attacking you every time you attempt to enter or leave your home. How long do you think it would take you to get angry enough to begin some form of "pest control?"

You see, God wants us to choose to love Him, but, He lets us do the choosing. He will not force us. He wants us to rely on Him, giving Him the credit for all He’s done, asking Him for His help when times are rough, thanking Him for the good times and seeking solace in Him whenever the bad times come.

Do we do this? Any of this? For the most part, NO! We tend to blame Him for all of our hardships, and credit ourselves for all of our accomplishments. The tower of bab-el came about because people were trying to prove that they were like God, and could reach up to the heavens in a showy display designed to prove that mankind was as great as God.

Lets back up, just a tad…

Adam and Eve were evicted from the garden because they wanted to do things their own way, instead of God’s way.

Abel relied upon God’s bounty almost entirely, as does anyone who hunts or herds animals. He was very aware of his need and reliance upon God.

Cain, being a farmer, was much more likely to see himself as the author of his own good fortune. After all, he saw that his own efforts, his sweat, his vision, his planning, etc. resulted in his betterment, and was much less likely to thank God for His part in it. Sounds a bit like people today, does it not?

Cain killed his brother, Abel, but God did not kill Cain. Why? Perhaps it was partly to be a lesson to us as to the value of human life. Consider this when someone you know discusses abortion.

Cain invented cities, naming the first one "Enoch" after his own son. Farming, murder and cities, what an inventor Cain was! Since neither farming, nor murder gave honor to God, perhaps God had good reason to dislike cities, as well.

But, what can be wrong with a city? Look at Genesis 11:1-4 "At one time the whole world spoke a single language and used the same words. As the people migrated eastward, they found a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there. They began to talk about construction projects. "Come" they said, "lets make great piles of burnt brick and collect a natural asphalt to use as mortar. Let’s build a great city with a tower that reaches to the skies - a monument to our greatness! This will bring us together and keep us from scattering all over the world." (nlt)

How do you suppose God felt about this? Remember the canaries in your front yard? Do not cities today build grandiose architectural endeavors that seem to only glorify those who claim that city as home? Are we not leaving God out of our lives today to an unprecedented degree? Why do you suppose there is a Tribulation coming? God wants us to rediscover our need for Him, yet we keep pushing the boundaries, trying to prove the opposite is true. Throughout history, God has allowed disasters of varying degrees to remind us that we MUST look to Him for everything, but we keep stubbornly trying to prove otherwise. In many ways, we are like those children, who must receive a swat on the rear every-so-often to keep them from mischief.

Remember, God sees all time as "now." He calls Himself "I AM" as an illustration of this. We do not see the future, we seem to forget the past, and ignore the present. God wants us to recognize our need of Him. He gives us chance after chance after chance after chance… But, there is an end coming, and it is coming soon. Don’t get your dander up, and say, "You don’t know when it is coming!" Of course I don’t know. Matthew 25:13 says, "So stay awake and be prepared, because you do not know the day or hour of my return." (nlt) None of us knows. God does not want to be our insurance policy. He does not want us flipping on the "salvation option" at the last instant before doomsday. He simply wants all of us to CHOOSE to serve Him because we WANT to. Don’t look to civilization to save you from the Tribulation. Don’t count on "having lead the good life." Don’t trust your soul to a religion, no matter which religion. Entrust it to God. He made you. He earned your trust by Jesus’ sacrifice, which paid your way to heaven.

I cannot pretend to understand why God thinks we are worth it. I just know He says it is so. Know in your heart that He loves you, even when you sin. Love Him back! Acknowledge your sinful nature. Cling with all you have to His Word, His Promise, and His Love. Then get out and help others to understand. The time is very short, the time of the rapture draws nearer every day. God loves you! Show Him a return on His investment in you!

See you soon, in Paradise!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Beware The Dark Side

Anyone not living in a cave for the last thirty-plus years recognizes "The Dark Side" reference from the Star Wars© movies. Unfortunately, we generally fail to see the effect of the dark side on our daily lives. Very slight deviations away from the pathway to eternal life have added up over the years in such a way that we, in this country, are not aimed toward heaven at all, but at "some other destination" instead.

Our Lord has made it rather simple for us... "Jesus said unto him. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." MAT 22:37-39 (kjv)

James was inspired to express it thusly... "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." JAM 4:17 (kjv)

God made all we are, so we are to love Him with all we have. He also made everyone else, too, so we are expected to care about them as much as we care about ourselves. When you realize something is The Right Thing to Do, not doing it is a sin. Any slight "adjustments" we make away from this narrow path aims us away from God. As was said in those movies, "Beware The Dark Side!"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where do we start?

How do we fix what is wrong with America? I think that Psalm 6 is a good place to start.

"No, Lord! Don't punish me in the heat of your anger. Pity me, O Lord, for I am weak. Heal me, for my body is sick, and I am upset and disturbed. My mind is filled with apprehension and with gloom. Oh, restore me soon. Come O Lord, and make me well. In your kindness save me. For if I die I cannot give you glory by praising you before my friends. I am worn out with pain; every night my pillow is wet with tears. My eyes are growing old and dim with grief because of all my enemies. Go, leave me now, you men of evil deeds, for the Lord has heard my weeping and my pleading. He will answer all my prayers. All my enemies shall be suddenly dishonored, terror-stricken, and disgraced. God will turn them back in shame." (tlb)

But, if all you do is pray, if you don't "put your money where your mouth is," then you've done nothing! Our country has become Satan's playground, and it seems to be joyously marching, arm-in-arm to perdition. We must do more than just ask God to fix things. We must act. Where possible, take God's word to the people. Some won't listen, but some just need to be told. Go to your politicians and inform them of your beliefs. Tell them to act in accordance with God's word. Sometimes, they just need to be reminded of whom it is they serve. If they cannot hear your voice, whose message gets through?

Enough is enough!

Every day someone says, "I can't believe what is happening to America! How did such a jerk get elected? God blessed America, how could He let these tragedies occur here?" or something fairly similar.

Jeremiah 7:26-28 says it clearly; "But they wouldn't listen to them or even try to hear. They are hard and stubborn and rebellious - worse even than their fathers were. Tell them everything that I will do to them, but don't expect them to listen. Cry out your warnings, but don't expect them to respond. Say to them: This is the nation that refuses to obey the Lord its God, and refuses to be taught. She continues to live a lie." (tlb)

As the song says; "God bless America, land that I love! Stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with a light from above..." God has done His part, but we are failing badly on ours! We Christians have bought into the worldly view so much that it has become difficult to tell us from the ungodly. Our lifestyles are all but the same. We seek the same worldly rewards as do those who embrace Satan. Do we make any attempt to even slow the merciless killings of millions of the unborn? Have we ever protested the showing of filthy movies, or do we just say, "I won't go to see them" instead? Do we even write our elected officials, advising them of what we (supposedly) believe? It's all too easy to do nothing.

No wonder God says, "Enough is enough!"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Who am I?

Who am I? I look at the awesome vastness of God's creation, and ask myself this question. From my perspective, I am just one small, insignificant speck in what appears to me to be an infinite universe.

Who am I? I'm not famous. I'm not rich. I am not a force to be reckoned with, in any field. I have no interest in holding political office, nor would I accept such a position were it offered. I can't sing. My eyesight is poor. There is nothing about me that anyone would envy, except a wonderful wife and some beautiful grandkids, and God alone gets the credit for these blessings.

Who am I? There are days that I feel great, that I am making a difference, that I am really doing what He wants. Other days, it seems as though every attempt I make is wasted. Poor health and age do their part in sapping my efforts, and I know Satan interferes wherever possible, making me feel unworthy to even try.

Who am I? One way or another, we have all asked this of ourselves at some time. How we answer depends upon our understanding the value our Creator sees in us. We mean so much to Him that He sent His Son to die in our place, for the crimes we've committed against Him! It would be impossible to accept, had He not told us so. And yet, the vast majority choose not to obey Him. Still, His love for us is so great that He will allow us to choose eternal damnation instead of an eternal reward.

So, when you ask yourself, "Who am I?" God has already given you His answer; "You are somebody worth dying for!" Live accordingly!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where did the magic go?

You bought that new car you've been wanting. It has everything; built-in entertainment system, rich Corinthian leather interior, auto-parking, whatever... Three years and 50,000 miles later it has become "the old jalopy."

You married the "perfect" spouse, the man or woman of your dreams. He makes a ton of money and can bench-press a Lincoln Town Car. She is a "beauty-queen", an absolute 12 on a 1-10 scale, and can cook anything Betty Crocker ever dreamed up. Five to eight years, a couple of kids, and some "disagrements" later, he/she has become the other half, the "ball and chain," or maybe just a tax deduction.

You met God, came to realize your need for, and you accepted, salvation. You were on fire for God, wanted to bring the whole world to Christ, wanted to bring Him a return on His "talent." A few years later you've become a "most Sundays" church-goer. Give what's affordable, attend when its convenient, but leave me alone, otherwise.

Where did the magic go?

"Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. Stop lying to each other; tell the truth, for we are parts of each other and when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves. If you are angry, don't sin by nursing your grudge. Don't let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly. For when you are angry you give a mighty foothold to the devil." EPH 4:23-27 (tlb)

Our relationship with God is a result of what WE do, and don't do. If we are to keep this relationship alive, we must put forth the effort. God's love is never-ending. He never defaults on His part of the bargain.

A married couple must both put forth the effort, each remembering how much the other really means, and should always mean.

As for the car, keep it, trade it, or junk it.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thanks, God!

Sometimes it helps to remember all that we are thankful for. I have the sweetest wife God ever made, and some incredibly beautiful grandchildren. (Thanks, God) I have a church family that cares more than any other I've seen. (Thanks, God) Whenever I return home, my old dog is overjoyed to see me. (Thanks, God) A number of health problems are temporarily in abeyance. (Thanks, God) Though in the Army, my youngest son does not seem to be headed for a war-zone. (Thanks, God) This winter has, as yet, been fairly mild. My joints sigh with relief. (Thanks, God) Instead of hibernating, happy little squirrels scamper about my yard looking for lost acorns. (Thanks, God) A recent plane crash into the Hudson River resulted in no loss of life. (Thanks, God) Countless number of terrible events have not taken place. (Thanks, God) Yesterday, I watched a sunset being painted across the evening sky. (Thanks, God)

This morning, after a relatively pain-free evening, I awoke to a fantastic sunrise.
(God just told me, "You're welcome.")

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All are our children - part 3

- others -

What others? Grandchildren, nieces, nephews, adoptees, foster children, neighbors, students and add-ons can depend upon us to fill in for biological parents. It can occasionally occur with kids we don't even know, for example, a lost child at the supermarket.

These children are usually not related to us, and with the exception of adoptees, any relationship we may have is temporary. A youngster may merely need someone to supply short-term emotional support. Regardless of the circumstances, if you become a kid's "hero," you MUST live up to the image! He (or she) must be more protected with you, than even would be the case with the natural parents. At the same time, you must be a padded cage, invisible to the child, that separates that child from you, as well as from any potential harmful elements. The kid's safety MUST be PARAMOUNT!

Our society does not make this easy. It seems that abusing children has become the accepted norm in this evil world. You cannot stop all of it, but you can help to insulate the ones in your care from such abuse. Keep being the hero! God is counting on you!

Jesus told us, "Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (MAT 19:14) KJV

If we do not help protect all children from all harm, then we are no better than those who intend to do them harm!

Remember, they are all our children! Every last one belongs to, and is precious to, our Lord.

With your help, we'll get to see them all again, in Paradise!

Mr Mike

Thursday, January 8, 2009

All are our children - part 2

Just as with boys, girls recognize that there are others in their lives. Dad and the other siblings are her companions, but mom remains the most important for some time. Your daughter will notice, however, the interaction between mom and dad. She sees that mom is happier when both parents get along, and that mom feels down when they don't. Since your little girl is patterning herself after mom, she begins to base her own value on dad's response to her. If pop doesn't have the time for her, can't be bothered with her little attempts at affection, or just flat-out makes it plain he only wanted big strapping boys (not girls!), she will seek elsewhere for her self-esteem. This will also make it harder for mom to continue to be her role model.

Many men are repulsed by their daughter's attention, thinking there is something perverse in a father loving his little girl, probably because of the vile behavior displayed so prominently in movies, news and television. If they have witnessed it for themselves when they were kids, whether in their own homes, neighborhoods or schools, most adult males will resist anything they think is remotely similar, Unfortunately, this may set your child up to victimized by any pervert who comes along, who is watching for these signs in your daughters! If she cannot get attention from dad, and thereby see that she is worth his time, attention and affection, she will seek it wherever she can find it, and Joe Scuzzball is prowling out there!

Guys, more than anyone else, you have the opportunity to keep her safe and to make her confident in her self-worth, but it isn't going to happen if you wait until she is 16, then start reading to all her boyfriends from the book of threats. The time to start bolstering her ego is when you first notice her attempts to get your attention. It will not be the same for every kid, but could easily start before age 8, and may be as late as age 12.

Ask her to go on a date with you! Yes, ask her, don't just tell her she is going. Within reason, allow her to select the agenda. Escort her to the car, seat her first, see to her comfort then thank her for going out with you. Remember, this is what will set her expectations for all dates to come! Don't blow it by being a jerk or losing your cool. (Mom, this is one of the few events you should not attend. Give your daughter a chance to be Cinderella for the evening, she’ll tell you all about it later.) If you take her to a restaurant, allow her to choose the course, or, at least, her own dinner. Compliment her on her appearance and tastes. Again, treat her in the manner you wish her future dates to treat her, so that she will also expect it of them. What you do, where you go, how she is treated and the time of your return all set the stage for her future date patterns, so show her just how much you respect her. Above all, be sure you both have a good time!

How often? Initially, a special date-night should be somewhat infrequent, and never on a night when she has school the next day. As she gets older, perhaps every month or two, and it might continue a bit after she starts regular dating. You'll know when it is time to stop, because she will no longer have the time or inclination, but she will remember your love, kindness and attention forever.

Oh, yeah, take lots of pictures. You will not believe how much you will miss this when has passed. Never forget that you will have given her a self-image that will last her lifetime, the confidence in herself she will need to function as an adult, and an aura of love that will last her for all of her life. Job well done!

Ephesians 6:1-3 tells us; "Children, obey your parents; this is the right thing to do because God has placed them in authority over you. Honor your father and your mother. This is the first of God's Ten Commandments that end with a promise. And this is the promise: that if you honor your father and mother, yours will be a long life, full of blessing." God has placed parents in a position of leadership and authority over children for a reason! They must have our control, as well as our love. Every interaction we have with our kids carries the opportunity to make them stronger, both from God's perspective, and from ours.

Colossians 3:20-21 instructs us; "You children must always obey your fathers and mothers, for that pleases the Lord. Fathers, don't scold your children so much that they become discouraged and quit trying." If we make the learning process fun, our kids will find it easier to learn. Your daughters will learn their value from you, or they will learn the world's value system. Which do you prefer?

1 John 2:15-16 gives us this admonition; "Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these things you show that you do not really love God; for all these worldly things' these evil desires - the craze for sex, the ambition to buy everything that appeals to you, and the pride that comes from wealth and importance - these are not from God. They are from this evil world itself." (all quotes TLB) This is an incredibly important lesson, and it is one that your kids can never learn from the world! They need you! They need your love, and they need your values.

Their future requires it.

Their safety demands it.

Live up to the responsibility!

Mr Mike

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

All are our Children

This got to be a lot too long for one posting, so I am dividing it up into (hopefully) easier-to-manage chunks. More to come...


part one - sons

All kids today will get guidance. The world offers a viewpoint that you probably will not like, but one that young people will absorb, if your love, feelings, and beliefs are not evident. Yet, at the same time, we feel driven to provide the best financial future we can for our families.

Sadly, we often miss that out children need a lot more from us than just money.

When I was young, it was accepted that the father would be largely gone throughout much of the day (and sometimes night) earning the "daily bread." To the mother fell the day-to-day responsibility and guidance of the kids. Really big behaviour problems brought out the "Just you wait until your father gets home" threat! This generally worked, simply because dad was so exhausted, that upon his arrival, he got right to the seat of the problem. Weekends, holidays, and vacation time were special, though, and devoted to leisure, sports, family get-togethers and travel.

Perfect? No, but it generally worked. Most of us grew up understanding that our folks loved us, and had certain expectations of us. The majority of young people reached adulthood with only the usual scrapes, stupidities, and minor rebellions marring our paths. We had our adult role models, often parents or other relatives, to emulate.

Today, it is far more common that both parents will have to work, just to try to "make ends meet." Sometimes, one parent will take on a crushing workload, so that, "My kids will have it better than I did!" Either way, the children will suffer. They need both parents in their lives, and not just as role models and caretakers. In differing ways, mom and dad provide each child with their self-esteem, and give them their first understanding of their own value. These things cannot be bought on the credit card.

Babies must have mom. Indeed, it is generally accepted that very little babies do not initially understand that any difference exists between himself or herself, and mom. That realization comes with time, and lots of wet diapers, but for the first several years, love, trust, care, dependence and reliance, are based on, and learned from, mom.

It isn't that a baby doesn't need dad, it is simply that he initially has a role that is not percieved as being tied to the baby's needs. (Don't be upset guys, this may be God's gift to her for enduring the pregnancy. You wouldn't want to go through that, believe me!)

Due to God's design, kids' developement changes fairly soon. Adults' gender-based differences require that the children have unique childhoods, again based on gender.

To grow into a man requires more than that the boy be exposed to sports and toy soldiers and such. As a large part of any child's developement is mental, imagination is always required. At some point, the little guy wants to be a hero, it will be a huge focal point of all his imaginings. Of course, all heroes need someone to rescue, so who will it be? Dad? No, dad is that larger than life guy that junior hopes to be "just like" when he grows up. So who is left? Mom, that's who! Every little boy spends years imagining situations wherein he is the cowboy, soldier, cop, spacemen, robot or action hero who is called upon to "rescue mom" from the great and terrible whatever. With the passage of years, his interests will expand, but his need to be the one who rights wrongs and fights injustice usually remains. He gets into sports (or science, or music, or ROTC, or something similar), but these drives remain, an integral part of his being. It is part of what makes him the man you want him to become. Mom, give him the encouragement he needs. Ask him to help you with tasks that, perhaps, you could accomplish better on you own, but make him feel as though you couldn't do it without him. He will be a much better man for it, and that will make you proud.

This is not meant to imply the father has little, or no work here. Dad will be the role model who teaches how to deal with life's tragedies, how to be supportive, and how to do things like drive, hunt, throw a pass, hit the ball, hammer a nail, mow the yard and be strong. The father is also junior's source for learning how to be loving and respectful, how to play fair and how to shoulder your own responsibilties! If pop doesn't (or cannot) exhibit these traits, then neither will his son.

Sometimes a child will have been so abused that this normal developemental pathway is damaged. In this case, the demand on the non-abusive parties are incredible! This child MUST be shown that all the world isn't his attacker, but it will be a long hard journey for all concerned.

We are told; "Young men, listen to me as you would to your father. Listen, and grow wise, for I speak the truth - don't turn away. For I, too, was once a son, tenderly loved by my mother as an only child, and the companion of my father." (prov 4:1-3)

...and; "Young man, obey your father and your mother. Tie their instructions around your finger so you won't forget. Take to heart all their advice. Every day and all night long their counsel will lead you and save you from harm; when you wake up in the morning, let their instructions guide you into the new day." (prov 6:20-22 - all quotes TLB)

Always remember that your sons cannot hear your instructions and advice if you are not there to share it! Be there! Share your love! Share God's word, and start when they are young enough to hear His message without the world's cynicism and Satan distorting it.

See you soon, in Paradise!

Mr Mike