Thursday, November 26, 2009

Witnessing in real life

A few months back, my much loved granddaughter wrote a letter to the president. In it she expressed her views on the environment and ecology, after which she wrote (exactly as shown here),
"I am a Christian. I love God. Did you know God sent His Son to die on a cross for our sins so we can be forgiven."


Absolutely amazing!

The vast majority of Christians NEVER get around to witnessing to anyone, and here is a 3rd grader witnessing to the president of the United States! Set aside your political feelings (whatever they are) and, just for a moment, consider the awesome possibilities here...

Remember, Paul was turned from persecuting, torturing and murdering early Christians into the greatest witness for Christ EVER! What could God work in our world with a man who became a true Christian while holding the highest office of the most powerful nation in the world?
It is totally humbling...

We've all heard the expression "out of the mouths of babes," here we see the true meaning of that phrase.

I am not one who believes in exposing children to even the slightest chance of personal harm, so allow me to address her in this manner;
"My Princess, I am so proud of you! I love you very much! You are the heroine I will always think of when I am faced with difficult tasks. I pray as constantly as I can that God uses your beautiful testimony to effect a change for the better in this man, and through him, our world."
I ask all who read this to join me in prayer that this happens.

"Father, thank You for the opportunity to see such sincere, simple faith in action. I feel overcome that You have allowed me to be even a small part of Your plan. Please keep Your hand of protection over this child, and all children. Please help me to love, trust, and follow You with a heart like that of this child. Amen."

Mr Mike

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Awwwww, what a beautiful post. I read it to the kids. Riley knew it was "you" as soon as you called her "Princess". Cam didn't realize you were talking about Riley until I told him.