Sunday, June 5, 2011

Watch out for the worm holes!

It has been a while since I've posted. I will explain why at some future date.

For some time now I've been wondering just how to explain the difference between good and evil to a child. We understand that God expects certain behavior from us, and mostly we try to live up to His expectations. But, how to put it into language that a little kid could understand?

Out of the blue, it hit me... We know God will not look upon evildoers. His goodness is withheld from them, they live in Satan's world, not God's.

So, here it is...

The ground is like the dividing line between good and evil. God is above, smiling down on His creation. The devil is below the ground, trying to trick us and lure us down, below the ground, away from God. We are all like happy little worms, wriggling along on top of the ground, enjoying the warmth of God's love. Now and then, we find a tunnel going down. It leads away from God, but we usually don't think about that. We just think, "Oh look! Here is this neat hole to play in." So, we go, just a little bit, away from God. Probably we don't think about it at the time, it just looks like a great way to have fun. Before you know it, though, you're in the dark, and away from God. Soon, you don't remember the way back up. Its OK down here, isn't it?

But, you are away from God, His goodness, His love and His blessings. You have to get out of the hole to get back to God. Sometimes He will help by putting big rocks in your way, so that you will remember just how nice it was on the surface. Sometimes, though, He knows you will ignore Him, because that is the way worms get when they want only their own way.

So, how does the little worm go back to being God's good little worm? It has to be sorry it went down the hole, tell God it is sorry, and then work its way back out of the dirt, back into God's love and light.

So, what's the moral?

- Be a good worm and watch out for Satan's worm holes! -

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