Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Revelation churches - a review

OK, these churches all had problems back in their day. What does this have to do with any of us?

Although there are many preachers that maintain that these letters were meant only for the individual churches, I am very aware that much prophesy in the Bible is current in more than one time setting. Just because the letters were written to a particular church does NOT mean that it cannot apply today.

Look at a very brief description of each church...

Ephesus - Lost their direction. They think that membership in their church is more important than God's Word.

Smyrna - Satan is trying hard to mislead them. Jesus warns them to hold fast to His word.

Pergamum - They are being distracted by sexual sin. Jesus promises blessings for being faithful.

Thyatira - Doing good work, but too accepting of "alternate lifestyles."

Sardis - Mostly dead and lazy

Philadelphia - Strong in God, poor in money

Laodicea - Complacency

Can you think of even one Christian church that is not affected by one (or more) of the problems listed here? How many churches have you run across that claim membership in their church is all that is needed to ensure you get to heaven? How many have made allowances for "pretend" witchcraft (halloween celebrations and/or fortune telling) and promiscuous lifestyles of their members (including homosexuality)? How many churches do nothing, except go to service on most Sundays? Worst of all, how many have the attitude of "I'm saved. My future is secure. Leave me alone."

Few anywhere are willing to devote their all to giving God His due, and spreading His Word.

I daresay that the greater majority of us will see our churches within this listing of "problem churches." Jesus reminds us that He disciplines us out of love, as would any parent with a much-loved child. Are we willing to put aside our preconceived notions, hear Him knocking at our doors, welcome Him back into our lives and listen to His well-deserved reprimands?

Remember, a crown awaits!

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