Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where did the magic go?

You bought that new car you've been wanting. It has everything; built-in entertainment system, rich Corinthian leather interior, auto-parking, whatever... Three years and 50,000 miles later it has become "the old jalopy."

You married the "perfect" spouse, the man or woman of your dreams. He makes a ton of money and can bench-press a Lincoln Town Car. She is a "beauty-queen", an absolute 12 on a 1-10 scale, and can cook anything Betty Crocker ever dreamed up. Five to eight years, a couple of kids, and some "disagrements" later, he/she has become the other half, the "ball and chain," or maybe just a tax deduction.

You met God, came to realize your need for, and you accepted, salvation. You were on fire for God, wanted to bring the whole world to Christ, wanted to bring Him a return on His "talent." A few years later you've become a "most Sundays" church-goer. Give what's affordable, attend when its convenient, but leave me alone, otherwise.

Where did the magic go?

"Now your attitudes and thoughts must all be changing for the better. Yes, you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature. Stop lying to each other; tell the truth, for we are parts of each other and when we lie to each other we are hurting ourselves. If you are angry, don't sin by nursing your grudge. Don't let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly. For when you are angry you give a mighty foothold to the devil." EPH 4:23-27 (tlb)

Our relationship with God is a result of what WE do, and don't do. If we are to keep this relationship alive, we must put forth the effort. God's love is never-ending. He never defaults on His part of the bargain.

A married couple must both put forth the effort, each remembering how much the other really means, and should always mean.

As for the car, keep it, trade it, or junk it.

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