Saturday, February 7, 2009

Who am I?

Who am I? I look at the awesome vastness of God's creation, and ask myself this question. From my perspective, I am just one small, insignificant speck in what appears to me to be an infinite universe.

Who am I? I'm not famous. I'm not rich. I am not a force to be reckoned with, in any field. I have no interest in holding political office, nor would I accept such a position were it offered. I can't sing. My eyesight is poor. There is nothing about me that anyone would envy, except a wonderful wife and some beautiful grandkids, and God alone gets the credit for these blessings.

Who am I? There are days that I feel great, that I am making a difference, that I am really doing what He wants. Other days, it seems as though every attempt I make is wasted. Poor health and age do their part in sapping my efforts, and I know Satan interferes wherever possible, making me feel unworthy to even try.

Who am I? One way or another, we have all asked this of ourselves at some time. How we answer depends upon our understanding the value our Creator sees in us. We mean so much to Him that He sent His Son to die in our place, for the crimes we've committed against Him! It would be impossible to accept, had He not told us so. And yet, the vast majority choose not to obey Him. Still, His love for us is so great that He will allow us to choose eternal damnation instead of an eternal reward.

So, when you ask yourself, "Who am I?" God has already given you His answer; "You are somebody worth dying for!" Live accordingly!

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