Monday, June 20, 2011

God's gift to us - Children!

-This is a common theme of mine. Forgive me for covering it again-

Almost 45 years ago, I joined a group called TARs. Its intended pupose was to help retarded children fit into society. I discovered that I bonded fairly well with these kids. Most people, unfortunately, treated them as though they were carriers of some contagious disease. I tried instead to meet them at whatever level they were capable of. The kids usually responded well, as most people didn't even want them around at all. This experience shaped my understanding of children, in general. Meet them at whatever level they are able to achieve and they will open their hearts to you.

About 20 years later, I met a couple at church who had one child who'd been born deaf, as a result of some disease the mother had contracted during her pregnancy. The doctors had advised her to have an abortion because of the high probability that the child might be deformed by the disease. They chose instead to have their child, and she was absolutely beautiful little girl. When I met them, the kid was about 8 or 9. I did notice that adults treated her the same as the retarded kids were generally treated, as if she were a carrier of some horrible disease. Bcause I accepted her as she was, she thought it would be great if she could teach me sign language so that we could communicate better. In less than 3 weeks, however, her family had moved to Tennessee.

I have always wished I could have had 10 to 12 kids, but that was not to be. At one point I figured an acceptable substitute might have been to be in charge of an orphanage, but that never came about, either. Instead, God granted me a number of "foster" grandchildren. Each one asked me to be his or her substitute grandfather! Even though they aren't truly mine, I love every one of them as much as though they were.

It is critical that we see our children, all of them, as the precious gift that God intended them to be. All too many people today seem to feel that kids are nothing but a burden to be dealt with by whatever means they find expedient. Abortion is considered an admirable way to eliminate unwanted babies. Sadly, people do not see it as murder of a helpless human being. Our world is truly becoming satanic.

What does our Lord have to say about kids? "But Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and don't prevent them. For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.' And He put His hands on their heads and blessed them before He left." (Mat 19:14-15) tlb

Jesus valued kids so much that He rebuked His apostles when they tried to prevent these children from spending time with Him. If our Lord places so much value on children, how can we do any less? Open your arms to them. Love them. Show them they mean the world to you, just as they do to God! The reward is beyond measure!

See you soon, in Paradise!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

I'm glad Riley picked a good Grandpa!