Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Satan's "secret agents"

If you read the bible, you know the Antichrist is coming. He is bringing with him 7 years of horrible misery in preparation for Christ's return in glory.

Careful reading of the scriptures reveals that there will also be "antichrists" (lower case).

Just who are these? They will be precursors to the Antichrist. In effect, they will be forerunners, here to establish the playing field for Satan's attempt at a takeover of theworld. Keep in mind that the devil's goal is not to make the world permanently his, but rather, to keep souls from God. Period.

A while back, I worked with such an individual. Very abrasive, lied constantly, demanded his own way (no matter what), he brought misery to those around him. And yet, many others thought him God's gift to the workforce. He was very capable of making others see his way as the only right way. and was extremely abusive to those who managed to see him for what he was. I put in a lot of prayer time, trying to deal with this individual. I even received an answer to those prayers, although it was not exactly what I expected (or hoped for). I heard a brief flash of, "Be at peace, He has it under control."

You probably already have met with a (lower case) antichrist. They seem to be everywhere, even in politics. What you might not expect is that are quite a few who are active in churches. Think about it! Where else can Satan reap such a harvest? By working in churches he can strip away souls that might otherwise end up belonging to God.

If you run into an individual who lies with ease, is willing to emotionally hurt others (especially children), or tries to belittle others to his (or her) own benefit, that person may very well be a (lower case) antichrist! This may be true, even if he is a family member. Don't let the spiritual bio-hazard get you down. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Frequently. Oh, and don't expect God's answer to be just what you want to hear.

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