Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Bucket List

I just recently saw the movie "The Bucket List." Morgan Freemen and Jack Nicholson play a couple of men, diagnosed with, and dying of cancer.

Both have a very limited life expectancy (a few months) and they put together a list of things they wish to do before they "kick the bucket," hence the name of the movie. The list is comprised of the sort of fanciful desires a lot of us have, and normally would be out of the financial reach of almost everyone.

Nicholson's character, however, is very wealthy, and he starts to make the wish-list come true.

In the end, of course, both men die. The moral, given at the movie's end, is that you measure yourself by those who measure themselves against you.

Incredible! It completely misses the mark! We all know none of us can "measure up" to God's standards, and the world's standards simply don't count for anything!

Nothing counts!

- If we don't first admit to our being sinners...

- If we do not believe, with every fiber of our being that Jesus, the Son of God, covered Himself with the horrible slime of our sins, for which only He could pay the penalty...

- If we do not get out and spread the word, confessing to all and sundry, the great news of God's plan for everyone's salvation.

Remember the parable of the talents? The master gave to all three of His servants. Two broght Him a return on His investment, but one buried his. We owe God a "return" on His investment!

There you have it... our "Bucket List."

First - get saved!

Second - help others find their own salvation!

How many billions are there in the world? How many have I reached so far? I better get going... still a few billion to reach yet on "my" bucket list!

See you soon, in Paradise!

Mr Mike

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