Monday, July 7, 2008

Your Faith is Your Shield While Witnessing

Oftentimes, while we witness to others, we run into the "intellectual skeptic." He is the one who will not listen to a word you say because he "knows better." This individual discounts everything biblical as fairy tales, or worse. Nothing you say will get through, so it seems. Not only do you feel you are wasting your time, but the devil will try hard to pry his way under your faith by way of the skeptic’s rebuttal, which will often involve "proof" involving evolution or whatever current theory is popular (i.e. global warming). Satan is trying to work on you as surely as you are trying to work for God, and he has had thousands of years of experience.

So, what are you supposed to do? God expects you to present His message, especially to the lost, but He doesn’t want you swayed by the devil’s arguments. This is why He gave you a mind, too, so you can reason on your own. He does not want you to just blindly follow. Commit your thinking processes to the struggle, as well.

Consider, if you will, the popular theory of evolution. The claim is that after millions of years of evolution, after countless billions of failed changes in biological design, we came to be. Now, none of the evolutionists claim there were as few as a million evolutions between primordial ooze and homo-sapiens, most still maintain there were billions of evolutions. Bear in mind that they still believe life has been on the earth for 50 million years, plus or minus, according to whichever "expert" is talking. For the number of evolutions they claim have to have happened, that is an incredibly short time. One billion changes over 50 million years equals 20 evolutions per year! Mankind has kept written records for 4 or 5 thousand years. Where are the records of the sheep growing wings or fish harvesting wheat? Why are there no dogs with scales or mice with 100 legs? Even if they cut the number of "required" evolutionary changes down by a factor of 100, someone would still have recorded a corn plant that walked to a better location in order to grow. Nope! Not very likely!

Along this vein, do you know what makes atom bombs work? The nucleus of the atom cracks apart and releases fantastic force. But, what keeps it together? Everything in the nucleus is either neutral, or a positively charged particle. Like charged particles repel each other violently, hence the nuclear explosion. Why doesn’t your coffee cup have its nuclear particles repel each other and leave a hole the size of New York in your front lawn? It is because our phenomenal God has seen to it that these things do NOT happen to us!

Will any of this convince your skeptic when you witness to him? Probably not, but you never know. The dedicated unbeliever will use anything to stay away from God. What it can do for you is help to build up your shield and your confidence so that the evil one has fewer chinks in your armor on which to work. Satan wants to steal you away from God, and keep you from being an effective soldier, but you know his future. Remind him of it always, and in every way…

Go with God.

Mr Mike

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