Friday, July 25, 2008

Soon! and Very Soon!

One of the things none of us like to face is the fact that we don’t know how much time we have left. The younger we are, the more distant and remote the possibility of our own end seems. Somewhere around middle age it becomes obvious that there is quite a bit less road stretching out in front than there used to be.

As Christians, we know we are supposed to live as though tomorrow will bring us face-to-face with our creator, but do we? All too often, we continue on our way, comfortable in our certainty that there is plenty of time left to fix our lives, and get right with God. But, how much time do we really have?

In addition to all the possible worldly causes of our demise, we do not know when the tribulation will start. "No man will know" the exact hour. We do know that the generation that sees Israel reformed will not have passed, but that could be any time from right now until moments before the last of that generation draws his or her dying breath.

The seven years of the tribulation will be very bad, the nearest thing to "hell-on-earth" to ever exist. It is possible to be saved after the rapture, but with the antichrist in charge, your life will likely be brutal and short.

Don’t risk dying without salvation. If you’ve not yet accepted Jesus, stop whatever else you’re doing right now! Pray to God. Tell him, "I am a sinner." Know in your heart that He sent His Son to pay your debt for your sins. Ask Him in and accept Him. Then get about His business and tell others.

After all, like the song says, "Soon, and very soon, we’re all going to see the King."

How soon? Very soon!

See you soon, in Paradise.

Mr Mike

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