Thursday, July 7, 2011

Coming Home

..........Coming Home... Coming Home
..........Never more to roam.
..........Open wide Your arms of love,
..........Lord, I'm coming home!

Ten years ago, my wife was able to meet my dad, though he died a short time after we married. He suffered badly from Alzheimer's, but, on Thanksgiving day that year, he was completely himself. I was thankful that she could see what he was really like, even if it was just that once.

Yesterday, my father-in-law died. Unfortunately, I was never able to get to know him. He was much too old to travel, and my health precluded it. Still, I really wish I'd known him. The only knowledge I have is her recollections of him. But, they are her memories, not mine...

You have friends and family that mean a lot to you. Be sure that they know how much you treasure their existence. Never let any opportunity to be a positive, uplifting friend (or brother, sister, daughter or son) pass you by. He or she just might not be there tomorrow.

But above all, be absolutely sure that you have never avoided the subject of God's love. It is always possible that you are the only one to care enough to do so. After all, as that person's eyes close upon this world for the last time, you know you want him or her to open them in the next, singing;

..........Coming Home... Coming Home
..........Never more to roam.
..........Open wide Your arms of love,
..........Lord I'm coming home!

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