Sunday, July 3, 2011

Giving Thanks

Do you?

Most people don't... even most who consider themselves Christians.

We have it so easy today. Our world is fast-paced, automated & mechanized. If you're thirsty, you don't have to walk to a well or creek, you pop the top on a cola. Hungry? You head to McBurgers just down the block. Almost no one today has to farm, hunt, fish or scavenge, just to survive. We eat and drink without thinking about it. It has become part of our background.

Our kids pick our attitudes up from us. When you grab a snack at a convenience store, do you thank God for the candy and drink? Your kids won't, either. They've learned it from you. When they grow up and have their own children, those kids (your grandkids!) will be even less likely to give thanks.

The bible says; "...unto the seventh generation" remember?

God has given us so much, and if we're honest, we don't deserve any of it. Give thanks to Him! Do it now. Be vocal. Be sure your kids hear you, and ask them to join in.

Remember, He did not have to make things any easier on us than it was in Moses' time!

He has even allowed us to have modern technology. If it were not for the internet, I couldn't even post this message at all. Thanks, God!

Till we meet again, in Paradise!

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